Some Tricks For Bathroom Design

Posted : Tuesday 17 April 2012

Some Tricks For Bathroom Design

Define favorite interior mood you want to present, and start making plans bathroom design of your mood. You can choose a theme from the movie or hobby that you like. If the bathroom is already made, decorate the bathroom with a collection of favorite items for the bathroom look unique visual and character.

Tricks For Bathroom Design

Start with color selection

Color can change the mood of the room. For a small bathroom, choose a neutral color to eliminate the narrow sense, such as white, beige to light blue. If the area is limited bathroom shillings however the higher you can paint the ceiling with dark solid colors to make it look lower. If the bathroom is more spacious solid play with a cool color, like navy blue, fuchsia to gray - dark gray.

Tricks For Bathroom Design2

Avoid too full display

When decorating a bathroom, remember the adage 'less is more', in order to create the impression of a clean and tidy. To keep clean and neat impression, avoid piling up of goods that are not useful. Make use of shelves or cabinets are made ​​under wastafel to store toiletries.

Tricks For Bathroom Design3

Adequate lighting

Be sure to always make the opening just enough light to illuminate your bathroom during the day, thus saving electricity usage. This is in addition to saving energy, it is appropriate to eradicate bacteria and fungi.

Environmentally friendly

Choose your bathroom that can be recycled or at least do not use hazardous chemicals. This is in addition to a healthy, safe also for long term use.

Chamber of Commerce of Marblehead celebrated luxury bathroom - Boston Globe

Posted : Monday 15 August 2011

(l to r) Frank Scearbo, Elizabeth Musso, Franco Veneziano, Izzy Musso, Rob Essig, Antonio Musso, Freddy Musso.The following was filed by the Chamber of Commerce of Marblehead:

Friday, March 4, the Chamber of Commerce of Marblehead welcomed the newest member of the House bath luxury with an inauguration ceremony to celebrate its opening on its location, is 32 Tioga, Marblehead.  Antonio de owners and Elizabeth Musso welcomed the members of the Chamber of peers, guests and family to the event and refreshments and tours of the exhibition room.

For more information about luxury bathroom, call 781-639-0124, e-mail e or visit  Luxury bathroom is located at 32 Tioga, Marblehead, MA
About Luxe bathroom
All bathroom accessories are imported directly from Italy and are selected for best quality and exclusive design.
Luxury bathroom, will find Florence luxury faucets, accessories of bathroom, lights and mirrors in the area of Venice, vanities bathroom of Reggio Emilia, glass and ceramic sinks of Rome and the Cabinet hardware of Milan.  All products are offered to the incredible output prices because they are surplus, suspended or display elements.
About the Chamber of Commerce of Marblehead
The Chamber of Commerce of Marblehead is dedicated to the improvement and development of the business community. We are a non-profit organization providing services to more than 400 companies, including seminars, networking events, advertisements on the website, insurance health, business & tourism promotions & advertising opportunities. For more information about the camera, please call 781-631-2868, or visit us on the web at and E-mail:

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Green ways to 'master' bath - Creston news advertiser

Posted : Monday 8 August 2011

(ARA) - can easily become its fourth main bathroom a green retreat - without breaking the Bank. Making sustainable and smart updates, it can transform your space into one that is environmentally friendly and elegant.

Save where - and how - can
The final green law when material remodeling repurposing already have, instead of buying new. Spruce up your vanity existing instead of buying a new one by refinishing of cabinets and drawers with a fresh coat of stain or paint. If you have a glass shower door, try to keep the existing structure and re-install it, once its new mosaic. Through the use of what is already in space, we will help the environment and your portfolio, you can save money and avoid that those materials of liquidation in landfills.

The most important type of "saving" in any ecological renovation is to reduce the amount of natural resources. In order to make an impact, to replace the standard elements in the space with more sustainable: change incandescent light bulbs, compact fluorescent (CFL), replace your current bathroom with a model of high efficiency and install new equipment of eco-rendimiento in the shower and the receiver.

The new method of Moen bathroom collection is an elegant and ecological solution. Method washbasin taps lines and smooth curves and are certified to meet WaterSense criteria. That means the parties comply with the Agency of environmental protection's guidelines (EPA) as environmentally responsible and efficient by reducing the consumption of water by up to 32%, without sacrificing performance. A shower of Eco-Performance flowing in 1.75 liters per minute - 30% less than the industry standard - also available in the collection method, allowing him to continue his saving of water in the shower.

Taking a signal from the outside
Before initiating green upgrades in the main bathroom, pick up some inspiration from the natural space there - in the open air. Try a meets-modern rustic style. Neutral colors are the perfect setting for the graphic, bedding, contemporary and elegant accents. Search for tiles in shades of Brown and taupe and install them around the full envelope of the shower or the bath for a well ventilated and expansive sense.

What is more outdoorsy and natural aspect of rich wood floors? Sustainable wood flooring is just so affordable, more eco-friendly and even easier to install than most tiles. If you can, run the floor through the bedroom in the bathroom right. The feeling of a unified master suite will not only expand visually the bathroom, but also creates. Add to your cozy and luxurious space with sheets of instruction - such as bold, towels of organic cotton and natural bathmats leaf pattern. Elegant glass jars and bamboo accessories are the perfect touches.

With the right products environmentally friendly, you can "dominate" a sustainable bathroom that easily will save you money and resources. For more information about the latest products from Moen eco-rendimiento, visit or call the (800) buy-MOEN (800-289-6636).

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Hollywood is fickle, but family ties endure for Michael and Mary Gross - Kansas City Star

Posted : Tuesday 2 August 2011

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Mary Gross bounds to the deli table with Silly Bandz on her wrists, a bounce in her step and a tickle in her voice.

Her older brother, Michael - like Mary a transplanted Chicagoan and 1980s TV star - greets her with a hug, kiss and bemused smile about her new accessories. "My grandchildren wear them," he says. "I didn't know my sister wore them."

Mary, a "Saturday Night Live" and Second City veteran, laughs, as she often does, and relates how her long-ago boyfriend's daughter introduced her to Silly Bandz last summer. "Here's the United States," she beams, removing a nation-shaped rubber band from her wrist. "As if they weren't amazing enough, they have put sparkles in."

Riding that sense of delight, the almost-58-year-old actress relates the encounter she just had with a young Barneys New York saleswoman in the bathroom shared by the store and Barney Greengrass deli.

"She said, 'How's your career going?' And I said, 'Ohhhhhhhhh,'" Mary recounts with a laugh. "I said, 'There's a reporter out there, I have to go talk to him about my career, and things have been a little slow lately.' And she said, 'But Mary, your body of work is so impressive, and you've done so many wonderful things. Go back to the table knowing that.'"

"Were you both sitting on the toilet at the same time talking over the stall?" Michael Gross, the 63-year-old former "Family Ties" star, asks.

"No, we were in the mirror," Mary says. "But I came here (to the restaurant) like 'Ohhhh, no,' and I went to the bathroom, and that's the conversation I had. Isn't that magical?"

"Barneys' bathroom, when you need a pick-me-up. ..." her brother deadpans.

The conversation is chipper, but an undercurrent of tension is detectable. The recession, combined with the reality TV boom and the tax-incentive-chasing outflux of production from California, has made acting jobs even scarcer than usual, and being a household name from an earlier decade is no guarantee of work now. Stick around long enough, and your health costs go up while your earning potential goes down.

"As you get older," Mary says, "it gets scarier."

So Michael Gross is out chasing auditions, and so is Mary Gross. But Michael, who lives in a house in Pasadena with his wife and her 100-year-old mother, has the luxury of seven years' accumulated prime-time sitcom salary plus syndication residuals, which also have bought him a second home in Santa Fe, N.M., and part ownership of the Santa Fe Southern Railway.

Mary, who isn't married and lives in an apartment to the west and whose "Saturday Night Live" work is rarely re-aired, has more urgency in the never-ending quest for work. "My goal is to pay the rent," she cracks.

This February lunch marks the first time these siblings have seen each other since a cousin's wedding before Christmas. Michael Gross is a warm, wry wisecracker, long and lean and dapper in his neatly trimmed salty goatee, tweed blazer and blue checked shirt, still recognizable as Steven Keaton, the liberal "Family Ties" dad to Michael J. Fox, Justine Bateman and Tina Yothers - minus the plaid flannel shirts and some hair.

Mary, identifiable from her "Saturday Night Live" days as well, is slim and casual, in a long-sleeved navy blue T-shirt, baggy lime-green pants and sneakers. She still has that high-pitched librarian's voice that swoops and soars like an animated bird, and she spins stories with a breathless energy, as if she's reliving every moment.

That night Mary would have a bit part as a poolside tourist who distracts her former "Saturday Night Live"/Second City co-star Jim Belushi on the CBS legal drama "The Defenders." Two evenings later Michael would play a stuffy food critic who flirts with Richard Chamberlain on the ABC family drama "Brothers & Sisters."

Although Mary and Michael took very different routes to arrive at this place, they come by their talents naturally. Their father, William, who designed tools and still lives on Chicago's North Side, embraced the arts, but their mother, Virginia, was the irrepressible performer.

"She was known for singing and dancing and telling jokes and creating games, wearing costumes - we never knew what she was going to do next," Elizabeth Gross, the sibling between Michael and Mary, says from her Chicago home; she does financial work for a downtown firm.

"She was the only ham that couldn't be cured," Michael says.

Mary made her performing debut in a musical mounted by the since-razed Madonna High School's history club, whose president was future "Taxi" star Marilu Henner. Mary, a reserved type who liked to make her friends laugh, sang a ditty about Louis XIV of France set to the tune of "I Feel Pretty."

Little did she know what a pivotal moment this performance would be.

"I just wasn't prepared for that overwhelming fear that took hold of me as soon as I got in front of the audience," she says. "I wasn't trying to get a laugh, but somehow my awkwardness and my anxiety turned me into Barney Fife (from 'The Andy Griffith Show'), and I was getting huge laughs. And all I wanted to do was get off that stage and find a bathroom."

The before-and-after realities couldn't have been more dramatic.

"When I came off stage, my life changed," she says. "The school bullies loved me. The teachers loved me. Our science teacher canceled a test that day, she said, because I made her so happy."

Calling the performance "the most terrifying moment of my teenage existence" and "a magical day for me," Mary didn't set foot on a stage again for years.

Michael knew about none of this; he was already away pursuing his calling - he puts on a mock-pompous voice - as "a classical actor." He had thought he might become a priest before he sang in Kelvyn Park High School's mixed chorus and a production of "Oklahoma!" and discovered his love of performing.

By the time he was starring in plays at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Michael had become, in the words of his college acting teacher and future best man William Raffeld, "probably the most disciplined actor I'd ever come across."

Michael was acting in Minneapolis when he heard the news about Mary, who as a 24-year-old employee of the American Dental Association had swallowed her fear and taken an improvisation course at Loyola University. "My mother said, 'Well, Mary's doing improvisational comedy,'" Michael recalls. "I said, 'My little quiet sister Mary?'"

Soon Mary was acting at The Second City alongside Tim Kazurinsky, who had lobbied for her hiring. "She was very young and seemingly delicate and fragile, but she just did this outrageous stuff and said things that sort of shocked you," says Kazurinsky, now primarily a screenwriter.

A couple of years later, Gross was joining Kazurinsky at "Saturday Night Live," and she spent four seasons (1981-85) on the show, which was dominated by Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo for the first three years and the Billy Crystal-Martin Short all-star cast for the last. Her memorable contributions included impressions of Alfalfa from "The Little Rascals" and Marilyn Monroe, which Kazurinsky and Jim Belushi say is the best they've ever seen.

Meanwhile, Michael, who was acting in New York when Mary arrived for "Saturday Night Live," overcame his aversion to television and got cast in "Family Ties," which debuted in 1982. Now the siblings were on the same network, NBC, though they rarely swapped notes.

"I was under a lot of stress, and we were on two different coasts," Mary says. "The two times I visited Michael, I thought, Oh my God, what a cushy job this is. He doesn't have to write the show. He doesn't have to fight for space in the show. He just gets a script and knows right where he's headed."

"I always felt as if Mary and I were kind of in two different businesses," Michael says, "because she was still doing essentially what she was doing at Second City on 'Saturday Night Live,' and I knew very little about that world and comics, and I thought they were all even more neurotic than regular actors" - pause, sly smile - "present company excepted."

Two years into "Family Ties," Michael married Elza Bergeron, a casting director who'd signed off on Michael's hiring at Paramount Television. She had two teenage children, and, he says, "life became very busy for me."

Mary wound up in Los Angeles, too, to chase jobs after Lorne Michaels retook the reins of "Saturday Night Live" and let go everyone hired by Dick Ebersol, who oversaw Mary's four years there. She views her subsequent struggles as being as much about mindset as opportunity.

"I'd spent a couple of years in improv, a couple of years at Second City, four years at 'Saturday Night Live' - I'd spent eight years satirizing everything," she says. "I had an audition for a show called 'thirtysomething,' and I remember thinking 'thirtysomething'? It sounded like something we would immediately parody, just because of the title. To this day it breaks my heart: I had a callback for 'thirtysomething,' and I don't think I went in on it. And then later when the show was on, I loved it."

Michael's post-"Family Ties" career started more strongly but also spurred regret: He immediately scored a change-of-pace role as a survivalist in the well-reviewed, tongue-in-cheek horror film "Tremors" (1990), which became so popular on home video that it spawned three sequels and a short-lived 2003 TV series, all of which starred Michael, but "Tremors'" initial theatrical release fizzled.

"You don't cry over spilled milk, but had more people really come to see that, it might have made a difference in more of a major sort of film career for me," Michael says.

Michael and Mary have spent the last two decades appearing in movies and on TV shows, sometimes for multiple episodes (he on "Spin City," "E.R.," "The Drew Carey Show," "The Young and the Restless" and "How I Met Your Mother"; she on "The People Next Door," "Billy," "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," "Boston Legal" and "General Hospital"). But neither Gross has experienced the kind of steady work each enjoyed in the 1980s.

Still, Michael remains comfortable. "Anybody's who's been on a top-10 TV series for seven years and hasn't gone out and bought a bunch of Ferraris and yachts has a bit of a cushion, and I'm aware of that," Michael says. "Mary's like that great middle class of actors who work pretty consistently but don't have that particular cushion."

"Four years on late-night comedy does not equal seven years in prime time, financially," Mary sighs, noting that she's had to borrow from her retirement account.

Now that Michael is a grandfather, he doesn't want to work thousands of miles from his family. "My priorities changed. It's as basic as it always was: I want to be associated with something that's good."

"Me, too," Mary says. "I was being cynical when I said I want to pay the rent. Of course, I want to pay the rent, but I agree with Michael that I want to do quality work."

In some months, Mary goes on five auditions. In some she goes on zero. Most auditions, no matter how well they go, she never hears back anything and tries not to take offense. "I only can control what I bring into the room," she says.

But things get complicated. She says she was asked to audition for the recently released film "Cedar Rapids" as Ed Helms' former high school teacher and current girlfriend, and she really liked the script except for a love scene between their characters.

"She's completely naked," Mary says. "She's on top of him. They're engaged in the act, and she's saying in a Wisconsin accent, 'Bring it home!' and it was funny, but as soon as I saw that, I just froze because I thought: My cousins can't go see this. They'll be appalled."

"Never let bad taste stand in the way of a good opportunity," Michael says.

Mary says she asked her agent's assistant whether the naked sex scene was "negotiable," and the assistant responded, "It is what it is." So Mary didn't audition, and the role went to Sigourney Weaver, who does not appear naked on screen.

"I just don't want to see you ever do that again," Michael says at the end of Mary's story. "You can't give a (expletive) about what your cousins think."

That she doesn't work more often is a frustration to friends, relatives and fans as well as herself. She says a couple recently approached her to express their admiration, and after she thanked them, "the man said, 'We miss you.' And it sort of made the hair stand up on my neck, because it sounded like I'm retired or passed away. I said, 'Oh, I'm still working.' His wife said, 'Oh, what are you working on?' And I said, 'Nothing.'" Mary laughs and claps her hands. "So it was very awkward."

Kazurinsky thought Mary was so "fantastic" in her four-episode turn as a woman with Asperger's syndrome on "Boston Legal" that he wondered, "Why isn't this woman working all year instead of a few times a year?" His proposed solution: She should return to Chicago.

"I've made many attempts to tell Mary to move back here and become part of the Chicago scene," Kazurinsky says. "She'd get tons of stage work and tons of voice work, but to no avail."

Upon hearing of Kazurinsky's recommendation, Michael chimes in: "I think my sister would gain a lot from going back to her roots. I would love to see her do that work again because I think that's where a great deal of her soul is and her spark."

"Here's the problem," Mary says. "Over 10 years ago I became deaf in one ear (from Meniere's disease, an inner-ear disorder), so working onstage is very frightening to me. Especially doing improv, because I'm afraid I'll miss some nuance, I won't be able to play off the laughter of the audience. My timing is - "

"I'm not buying that," Michael says. "You were fearful when you went into those first improv classes at Loyola, but you went back. And I know all you have to do is tell the rest of the cast, 'I'm deaf in one ear, keep that in mind.' They work with you."

"That's true to a certain extent," she says.

"You have a gift," he says, "and I'm sorry to this day that you don't exploit it more and use it."

"Get over it," she snaps with a laugh.

Elizabeth Gross says she understands why Mary wouldn't want to move back to Chicago. "She does wonderful auditions out there and meets a lot of famous people that are considering her for shows," she says. "It's hard to not do that, especially when it's something you've been working for for so many years. It's like anybody's dream - we don't want to give up."

"My dream?" Mary says later. "I don't think I've ever used that word in my career. Especially now, after 30 years, it's a career. I don't see it with any romantic notions." And as much as she loves Chicago, she says, that career is in Los Angeles.

Later, Michael notes that if Mary would return to her roots, she would get back "some of her joie de vivre," which prompts her to cackle.

"Do you know what my mom said?" Mary says. "When I lost my hearing, I was on the phone, and I was crying, and I said, 'Mom, I have a permanent hearing loss, and now I can't hear out of my right ear.' I said, 'Michael used to make so much fun of me (about my allergies), and now I can't hear,' and she said, 'Well, now you don't have to listen to him.'"

Mary flips back her head and laughs uproariously.

After a couple of hours, Michael bids his sister a warm farewell. Mary remains, looking pensive. That wasn't so bad, right?

"No," she says, "except for Michael telling me what to do."

During the lunch she has written on the paper tablecloth in elegant handwriting: "I always wanted."

Mary explains that when Michael was talking about their mother, she flashed back to a conversation she had with her in the hospital, about a year before her mother died the day after St. Patrick's Day in 2005.

"My mother was on morphine, and she was in intensive care, and she was very charming and very chatty and feeling no pain, and one of the things she said to me was, 'I always wanted to do what you do,'" Mary recalls. "And I said, 'Mom, you've always been my inspiration,' and she said, 'I know.' It was so cute."

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HomeGoods opens with crowd - registration of Chelsea

Posted : Saturday 30 July 2011

Chelsea resident Liz Joyce found what he needed in the newly opened HomeGoods in Mall of Demoulas.

Chelsea HomeGoods store Sunday in the commercial centre of Demoulas.

A large crowd of buyers attended the event, with the good old old fashioned shopping during much of the day.

"This is a more sure sign that we are moving forward with development plans that will change this mall in the years to come," said City Manager ash Jay.

"HomeGoods has gathered a great store of aspect," he added.

The new store carries nearly 80 new jobs in the community of Chelsea.

It also marks a time in the modern history of the city when an important store offering furniture and products of origin has opened its doors.

The new 25,000-square-foot store is owned by T.J. Maxx and is part of the TJX companies.

Home products now has 27 stores in the market of sale retail of greater Boston.

As part of the recent opening of the new store, HomeGoods offers rewards cards to buyers looking for that extra kick for your dollars.

In addition, the store of Chelsea is served with carpets, furniture, accessories, plates, lamps, bath, blankets and a complete range of products needs.

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New products bath Bristan - Minute

Posted : Wednesday 27 July 2011

Bristan is pleased in announced its new range of bathroom products: new Carre thermostatic shower, new Nero shower valve and, finally, the new line of faucets Orta. Offering a functional stylish new range of bathroom products and accessories to upgrade your bathroom design.

(PRWEB) March 15, 2011

Bristan is pleased to announce three new products that have recently launched on their website: the thermostatic shower Carre, Nero shower valve and line of faucets Orta. If you have not seen these elements, which are really seriously the possibility of updating your bathroom design. Here are some of the best key features and benefits of each of these three attractive products:

New Carre thermostatic shower is the perfect blend of functionality and eye appeal. combined with a great look with thermostat and an ingenious quick system set. With a contemporary design with a rigid extension, fixed shower and separate nozzles phone card clean of rubbing, the thermostatic shower Carre incorporates a security stop predefined 38 degrees c which may be more mounted.

Quick adjustment system makes installation easy. It can be used on any surface and simply fits on the pipes to create a watertight seal and a rigid fixation of the shower valve, saving a lot of time which normally would be spent trying to fix the back of the value directly in the pipes. The kit also comes with a sheet to create a flawless finish. With 150 mm centres, bar Carre spray is ideal for the replacement. It also comes with a warranty of five years and the support of the Bristan team of technical assistance and Bristancare; the company dedicated service.

Secondly, the new Nero shower valve has begun to coordinate with its range of Nero taps and existing mixers. With it's easy to use, Nero valve has a modern and elegant style with rectangular plate of cover-up and plug style controls ergonomics of flow and temperature. As a single product of the valve, it can be associated with any shower kit or head of fixed. This product has a five year guarantee.

Finally, the new line of Orta of taps are the latest addition of Bristan value of taps and mixers. Orta will be a hit with those looking for a stylish product at an affordable price. It is easy to use; functionality the range of Orta includes taps, basin and bath, mixers of basin, filled with bath and shower in the bathroom mixers. All products have a contemporary design single ergonomic lever and are suitable for use with low pressure systems. Most of the range products also have durable metal go crazy. As all the faucets of chromium and Bristan mixers, Orta comes with a five year warranty and support of the Bristan care.

Bristan can offer you a functional stylish new range of bathroom along with the quality and service. Ergonomic, attractive design, ease and durability to the replacement or installation of a product with exceptional support is part of the Bristan experience.

For more information about our complete range of bathroom taps, showers and accessories visit us at or call us at the 0844 701 6273.


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Learn from the best experts profitable investment strategies Earnings scheduled for 23 March (GIS, OMN, SAI, FUL, RHT, PAYX, SCS, MU, ADK, KH, CYCC)

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Of Jaime Hayon, new accessories of bathroom for Bisazza - New York Times

Posted : Sunday 24 July 2011

"The baths are very boring," said Jaime Hayon, designer and artist Spanish. "Are square and white and geometric and only worry about be toilet". Instead, he suggested, "a bathroom must be treated as a living room, full of glamour, a place that you want to show to others."

That is what the Mr. Hayon, 36, tried to do for Bisazza Bagno, a new Division of Bisazza bath, the company of mosaic glass in Milan. The pieces that were created in the international fair of contemporary furniture in New York City in May will be introduced.

Ten of them date from 2004, when designed for ArtQuitect, a division of a company that no longer exists. Bisazza bought the line and commissioned more pieces, including a sink and a mirror ($7,000), of the left. Available in Bisazza, 43 Greene Street (great), (212) 334-7130; information:

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: On March 17, 2011

A report in the current column last Thursday about accessories sold by Bisazza bath includes an obsolete figure of the company for the number of new products designed by Jaime Hayon. There are 10 such products, not 5.

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